The Black Tulip - Part 02
by Alexandre Dumas (1802 - 1870)
Rosa's Lover - 11:44
The Maid and the Flower - 13:50
The Events which took place during those Eight Days - 16:46
The Second Bulb - 14:50
The Opening of the Flower - 11:52
The Rival - 12:47
The Black Tulip changes Masters - 09:03
The President van Systens - 12:28
A Member of the Horticultural Society - 16:06
The Third Bulb - 15:59
The Hymn of the Flowers - 14:49
In which Van Baerle, before leaving Loewestein,settles Accounts with Gryphus - 13:49
The Reader begins to guess the Kind of Execution that was awaiting Van Baerle - 06:46
Haarlem - 14:00
A Last Request - 08:48
Conclusion - 11:02